
Air Quality 

The air we breathe each day affects our health and our wellbeing. Air quality across the UK has improved steadily since the 1970s and monitoring of air quality in Southampton also shows significant improvements.

As a major employer and a responsible neighbour, we seek to play a leading role in improving emissions in the city. Our Air Quality Strategy highlights the work we are already doing as well as our plans for the future. Our report outlines a number of measures that have been undertaken across the Port in order to improve air quality including the introduction of shore power to enable cruise ships to turn off their engines whilst alongside; the use of alternative cleaner fuels and further investment in rail infrastructure and port equipment.


Alastair Welch, Director of the Port, commented “We are proud of the role we and the wider port community have played in accelerating air quality improvements in Southampton. We will continue to implement initiatives and share our experiences with others to ensure these improvements in air quality continue.”


If you are a city resident, community group, local business or simply want to get involved, please get in touch and share your thoughts contactus@abports.co.uk

Last updated January 2023