Potential Risk Report
Potential Risk Report Marine Safety Management System
The Port’s Marine Safety Management System (SMS) endeavours to reduce the risks arising from the day-to-day operations in the harbour and Pilotage areas to as low a level as reasonably practical.
In accordance with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code the Port has undertaken, in consultation with stakeholders, a Formal Safety Assessment of the hazards in the port, assessed the associated risks and introduced or verified control measures, to minimise the risks.
To ensure the control measures remain valid, it is essential that all the Port’s Stakeholders (Port Staff, PEC holders, tug Masters, Agents, berth operators, recreational users) advise the Harbour Authority of ‘potential risks’, which, in their opinion, could indicate a weakness in a particular control measure or risk assessment.
This is an iterative process, and will only be effective if all our stakeholders participate in it. The goal for all of us is to achieve an incident free harbour and pilotage area.
(This form does not preclude the requirement for Pilots and PEC holders to complete a Pilotage Incident Report (PIR1) in accordance with the Port’s Pilotage Directions)