ABP Port of Southampton Landside Emergency Plan

Purpose of Landside Emergency Plan

The purpose of this plan is, in the event of an emergency, to specify means of raising the alarm, summoning assistance, and establishing the role of those organisations involved in order to co-ordinate the activities necessary to safeguard life, property and the environment.

The Plan may be implemented in whole or in part depending upon the nature and scale of the particular incident/emergency.

While specifically written to satisfy the requirement of ‘The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987’ the plan provides a framework for dealing with other emergencies which may occur within the Port of Southampton.

Dangerous Substances are those classified as such in Regulation 3 of the DSHA Regulations and Regulation 1(2) of the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1981.

DP World (Southampton) will assume responsibilities for shore-based incidents within their located area maintaining close liaison with VTS Centre.


In the context of this plan, an emergency means:

‘An unplanned incident such as a serious toxic or flammable vapour emission, fire, explosion or major breach of containment of any dangerous substance, which might lead to a serious danger to persons, property or the environment inside or outside the Harbour area.’

Please click here to download a copy of the Port of Southampton Landside Emergency Plan